PELATIHAN Membuat Presentasi Bisnis Berdampak Tinggi

PELATIHAN Membuat Presentasi Bisnis Berdampak Tinggi

TRAINING Membuat Presentasi Bisnis Berdampak Tinggi

PELATIHAN Membuat Presentasi Bisnis Berdampak Tinggi

Deskripsi PELATIHAN Membuat Presentasi Bisnis Berdampak Tinggi :

PELATIHAN Membuat Presentasi Bisnis Berdampak Tinggi“If you just communicate you can get by. But if you skillfully communicate, you can work miracles.” – Jim Rohn

Business presentations – to update information, share ideas or even sell our products – have now become a big part of our professional lives. The truth is, whether it is the board of directors or a prospective client, if your presentation is unable to connect and influence your audience, you will not be successful. Just look around you – aren’t the most successful people those who are able to communicate effectively with confidence?

This workshop gives you a chance to learn (and practice) fundamental presenting concepts used by the world’s greatest presenters. No matter how much experience you have, this workshop will definitely transform you into a HIGH-IMPACT Presenter!

Tujuan PELATIHAN Membuat Presentasi Bisnis Berdampak Tinggi :

* Present Confidently in front of ANY Audience Groups!
* Create an Interesting, Compelling and Relevant Story!
* Influence Your Audience by Appealing to their Mind & Heart!
* Design a Powerful, Sophisticated, World-Class PowerPoint!
* Achieve Greater Success in Your Business and Career!

Materi PELATIHAN Membuat Presentasi Bisnis Berdampak Tinggi :

* Uncover Your Audience’s Needs and Concerns
* Create a Story that Connects with Your Audience
* Prepare a Structured, Logical and Clear Message
* Design a Sophisticated and World-Class PowerPoint

* Build Rapport with Different Audiences Groups
* Powerful Techniques to Strengthen Your Confidence
* Communicate Fully using Your Voice and Body Language
* Handle Questions and Comments Professionally


Gulshan Harjani


Jadwal Pelatihan Jakarta Training 2023 :


Batch 1 : 03 – 04 Januari 2024 | 16 – 17 Januari 2024 || Batch 2 : 06 – 07 Februari 2024 | 20 – 21 Februari 2024

Batch 2 : 4 – 6 April 2023

Batch 3 : 26 – 28 Juni 2023

Batch 4 : 14 – 16 Agustus 2023

Batch 5 : 10 – 12 Oktober 2023

Batch 6 : 5 – 7 Desember 2023

CatatanJadwal tersebut dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan calon peserta.Training Afe Budget Migas Jakarta Fixed Running

Biaya dan Lokasi Pelatihan : Pelatihan Estimasi Biaya Proyek Afe Di Jakarta

Training Efe Project Pasti Jalan

  • Yogyakarta, Hotel Dafam Malioboro
  • Jakarta, Hotel Amaris Tendean
  • Bandung, Hotel Golden Flower
  • Bali, Hotel Ibis Kuta

Catatan :Biaya diatas belum termasuk akomodasi/penginapan.Training Estimasi Biaya Proyek Afe Jakarta Pasti Running

Investasi Pelatihan Jakarta Training: Pelatihan Efe Project Di Jakarta

  1. Investasi pelatihan selama tiga hari tersebut menyesuaikan dengan jumlah peserta (on call). *Please feel free to contact us.
  2. Apabila perusahaan membutuhkan paket in house training, anggaran investasi pelatihan dapat menyesuaikan dengan anggaran perusahaan.

Fasilitas Pelatihan di Jakarta Training: Training Afe Budget Preparation Skills Of Oil & Gas Projects Di Jakarta Murah

    1. Hotel
    2. Module / Handout
    3. FREE Flashdisk
    4. Sertifikat
    5. FREE Bag or bagpackers (Tas Training)
    6. Training Kit (Dokumentasi photo, Blocknote, ATK, etc)
    7. 2xCoffe Break & 1 Lunch, Dinner
    8. FREE Souvenir Exclusive
    9. Training room full AC and Multimedia

Technorati Tags: training afe budget preparation skills of oil & gas projects di jakarta,training afe budget migas di jakarta,training estimasi biaya proyek afe di jakarta,training efe project di jakarta,pelatihan afe budget preparation skills of oil & gas projects di jakarta